"Never give up until you have reached home."

(Odyssey Game Shot)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Helios' Cattle

(Dead Cattle)
The gods had me sleep for too long! When I tried to pray to the gods, I fell asleep. In the meantime, Eurylochus convinced my men to eat Helios' cattle, so all of my crew broke their vows and killed the finest cattle on the island for themselves to eat. I am sure that Helios will punish us now. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Odysseus, you are correct. I will not spare you, for your men have killed and feasted on my peaceful kine. Zeus, please punish them for their unacceptable act; otherwise I'll send them to the underworld myself. Look how Odysseus has displayed one of my dead cattle's images like it is no big problem!
