"Never give up until you have reached home."

(Odyssey Game Shot)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Escape from Polyphemus

(Wooly Ram)
We have been stuck in Polyphemus' cave for a few days now. This monster of a cyclops eats a couple of my men for every meal. I am in the midst of creating a plan to escape this sealed cave. In the evening, I will serve Polyphemus some wine and tell him that my name is Nohbdy. While he is sleeping, I will stab his eye, blinding him. When his comrades come to his aid, they will hear and think that "nobody" is hurting him. Then, each of my men will be tied to each of the wooly rams, to hide themselves from the cyclops. In the morning, when Polyphemus lets his rams out, we will exit with the rams and take off towards our ship. I hope that this plan will work out.


  1. It worked! We have successfully escaped Polyphemus' island and cave! :)

  2. You wretch! I will get revenge on you. I have already prayed to my father, Poseidon. You travel by sea, so you will never reach Ithaca.

  3. He speaks the truth, Odysseus. I am now guiding you, not letting you reach your home and beloved wife. You shall face the wrath of the mighty sea god Poseidon.
